SDTA Tourism Accelerator IS GIVING US LIFE!

Pop Up Picnic Co is SO happy to announce we have been accepted as part of the first cohort of the San Diego Tourism Authority’s Tourism Accelerator program. Some of the most exciting benefits are the exposure to new potential customers through networking as well as the advertising and marketing assistance the program provides to better promote our business. SDTA is the center of our region’s travel marketing efforts and a hub for leisure + business travel alike- we’re just so excited to get a little of their shine! This program is unique because it focuses on tourism and micropreneurs and provides access to those who don’t have traditional access to capital or other typical business resources. 

If you know our story, we have been swimming upstream as a micro-business for the last 10 years and have just recently made moves to build + grow into a traditional business space. We know SO many micropreneurs and the struggles trying to bootstrap from day 1. With our participation in the accelerator, we’re looking to give back + provide more real-life guidance to tiny, nimble businesses like ours that just want to hustle their way to greatness. More details to come but we just wanted to shout out this amazing opportunity- you gotta celebrate your wins, right?!

Check out Lauren’s interview on Channel 10 News